Thursday, May 10, 2007

Welcome and "Rules"

I can't draw. It has never been one of my talents. However, with this journal I had decided that I would step outside my comfort level and experiment. This Circus de Soleil inspired clown was one of my first attempts in a journal to draw. I spent more time on this page than on any of the other parts of the journal including the cover. I searched the Internet for inspiration, drew several trials, and finally ended up with this version. The blue girl has been colored with Prismacolor pencils, highlighted with Glaze pens, and had Diamond glaze added to the eyes and lips. The circus tent was less than satisfactory to me. But, as I was running out of time to meet the deadline, I kept it the way that it was. On the stripes are the themes for each month. At the top of the tent are the "No Rules, Rules". In a round robin, each artist uses a welcome page to introduce themselves, the journal, and any limitations that they request. I really didn't have any as I believe in giving the artist full reign to create.

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